Martin Cosgrove
“...the final result does not usually represent pure visual imagery but a deeper feeling that he develops as he engages his subject matter. He paints from the heart using his eyes.”
Martin Cosgrove is a fine artist who paints primarily in oils using well tried and tested classical methods, over a period of many months, applying layer upon layer of paint on canvas to create his paintings.
An average painting takes six months to two years to create but most of this time is drying time and allowing the painting to ‘sit’ until Martin is happy that it is finished. He has a lot of paintings on the go at any one time.
His paintings are usually based on multiple pencil sketches rather than photographs, however, ultimately the final result does not usually represent pure visual imagery but a deeper feeling that he develops as he engages his subject matter. He paints from the heart using his eyes.
In addition to pure imagery, his interest in colour has a major influence on most of his artwork and explains his particular fascination with the use of oil paints, given the depth and breadth of colour that is achievable using this medium.
To hone his seeing and drawing skills, he regularly undertakes life drawing, using primarily a pencil but sometimes charcoal. He also uses acrylic inks when life painting, to create a more spontaneous and unpredictable result.
The key influences on his painting style are Turner, Cezanne, Monet, Picasso, Rothko and Modigliani. He works from his own purpose built studio in Idle, Bradford.
Instagram @drmartincosgrove

'Sunrise on the Beach'

'Luminosity in Blue'

'A Conference of Pears'

'Abstract in Red and Black No 1'

'Liquid Dance'

'Dreaming of Summer'

Life drawing and painting in acrylic ink (31)

Life drawing and painting in acrylic ink (28)